Life Elements Poetry


The land of the dead.

Mental Health Care

10 signs of a Depressed Person.

In my previous post, I talked about Depression, and how the mindset of an Individual works when he/she is most likely to become a prey of depression. I apologize for using the term ‘depressed people’ like they are any different, but I had to be more specific. I hope you understand. 🙂 I would highly […]

Mental Health Care

Dealing With Depression.

Hello beautiful people. Before you start reading, I must tell you that this would’ve been a long post, so I split it into small parts for you to get a clear picture and an in-depth knowledge of what we’re talking about here. All I want is to share everything that I know about depression and […]


13 Breathtaking Sky Images of India.

Well, hello there! Before you go through the pictures, I would like to protect my integrity by saying that I’m not an actual photographer. If you’re wondering why I added this blog in the writer’s essence, let me answer you. As a writer, our main aim is to write what we feel, what we see, […]

Life Elements Poetry

Life and Death.

With my heart keeping all the words inside, And my mind making me believe in disguise; There’s this part of me; trying to reach out to you. Running, crawling, falling; flying in the wide open sky, in pursuit of a way to get to you. And then, there’s the other; holding my head high enough […]

Hidden Power Poetry


Hey. Where were you? I’ve been waiting for you the whole day. Sitting in the corner of a dark room, I kept searching for you. To talk to you about how my day went. To walk with you in these empty rooms. To share stories about the people in my head. To reveal my deepest […]